Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Adhd And Sleep Disorder

Diagnosis: Matthew was tested and diagnosed with ADHD and sleep disorder by his psychiatrist. The assessment given to Matthew was the Vanderbilt assessment scale. The Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (VAS) has two parts: symptom assessment and an assessment of problems with performance at home, school, and other social settings. This rating scale is used by qualified professionals to screen for ADHD, as well as other disorders such as; oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, depression and anxiety in children. There is a parent rating scale version that contains 55-questions, and a teacher version that has 43 questions and focuses on behavior and observations at school. The VAS is a great tool for diagnosing ADHD, it is thorough and†¦show more content†¦Genetic risk when passed on from parents is known as inherited risk/liability; not all genetic risks are necessarily inherited. First degree relatives of those with ADHD are two to eight times more likely than relatives of unaffected individuals to also show ADHD.†(Thapar, Cooper, Eyre, Langley, 2013) Researchers are studying many different genes that may be more likely to contribute to people developing the disorder. If you know the genes involved then maybe one day researchers may be able to help prevent the disorder before any symptoms develop. If we learn more about specific genes it could lead to better treatment plans. Studies show that there may be a potential link between alcohol use and cigarette smoking during pregnancy and ADHD in children. Studies show that lead can be a factor in developing ADHD. Lead can be found in old buildings, paint, and plumbing fixtures. Some children are exposed to lead on a daily basis in their homes. There is a popular theory that refined sugar can cause ADHD or it can make symptoms worse. But research tends to debunk this theory more than it supports it. Researchers conducted a study in which they gave children foods containing sugar or a sugar substitute every other day. The children that received the sugar showed no difference in behavior or learning abilities. They were the same as those that ate the sugar substitute. More research needs to be done to support the

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